1. Is this agreement an unsolicited consumer agreement as defined by the ACL? See section 69.
2. It is permissible for dealers to call on consumers in their homes after 6:00 pm for the purposes of negotiating an unsolicited consumer agreement? See section 73.
3. Is the dealer required to disclose their true identity and objective to the consumer? See section 74.
4. Is the dealer obliged to comply immediately if the consumer requests that they leave? See section 75.
5. Must specified details be provided to a consumer within fixed periods when they enter into an unsolicited consumer agreement? See section 78.
6. If the consumer enters into a properly conducted unsolicited consumer agreement, can they avoid the transaction if they later regret entering into it? See section 82.
7. Can the dealer's liability under the provisions that protect consumers who enter into an unsolicited consumer agreement be excluded by agreement? See section 90.