

5. You said that specified details need not be provided to a consumer within fixed periods when they enter into an unsolicited consumer agreement.

That's wrong. Section 78 requires that a copy of any unsolicited consumer agreement that is entered into must be given to the consumer. If the agreement is reached by telephone the copy must be sent to the consumer within five business days (or within any longer period that is agreed to by the consumer). If the agreement is not entered by telephone, the copy must be given to the consumer as soon as it is signed by them.

The written agreement must include all the terms of the agreement. Specifically, the agreement must include the total amount to be paid; the amount of postal or delivery charges; and the supplier's name, Australian Business Number (ABN), and contact details The agreement must be clearly set out. It must also inform the consumer of their right to terminate the agreement and include a notice that can be filled out by the consumer to terminate the agreement.

These provisions ensure that the consumer is properly informed of the terms of their transaction.