

3. You said a dealer is not required to disclose their true objective and identity to the consumer.

That's wrong. It is important that a consumer knows who they are dealing with, and the caller's actual purpose. In the present case, Bob has told A that he is conducting a survey, when in fact his objective is to create contracts for the supply of broadband services. Furthermore, Bob does not seem to have disclosed to A whom he is representing.

Section 74 of the ACL regulates these matters. A dealer who calls on a consumer to negotiate an unsolicited consumer agreement must, as soon as practically possible, and before beginning to negotiate the contract, clearly advise the consumer that their objective is to seek agreement for the supply of goods or services.

In addition, the dealer must inform the consumer of their right to ask the dealer to immediately leave the consumer's premises. The dealer must also provide the consumer with full details of their identity.