First Principles of Business Law

The regulation of undesirable business practices

5. Protection against unfair business practices

5.12. Enforcement and remedies




Various remedies are available when prohibited business practices are engaged in. These remedies include injunctions; damages; compensation orders; non-punitive orders; and other orders, such as declaring a transaction void.

Click here for a description of the available remedies.

Civil pecuniary penalties can be imposed for engaging in prohibited business practices, and such conduct is also made a criminal offence, punishable by a fine.

Click here for a description of offences and fines.

Click here for a description of civil pecuniary penalties.

The unfair business practices explained in this section are much less widespread than they used to be, thanks to the provisions that prohibit them. However, it would be wrong to think that they never occur, often in slightly different guises. Knowing what practices are prohibited is an important part of complying with consumer protection law.

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