First Principles of Business Law

The regulation of undesirable business practices

5. Protection against unfair business practices

5.11. Harrassment or coercion




A is employed by a telephone company to go door to door in the evenings and tell householders about the terms on which telephone services can be bought. A visits B's house, but B says she is not interested. A goes away, but comes again the next day, and the next, hoping that, by showing polite persistence, he will persuade B to listen to him. Although B asks him to stop coming to her house, A believes that he is entitled to approach her each day.

Click here to see section 50.

(a) A's behaviour, although polite, amounts to coercion or harassment, and as such is prohibited and penalised by the ACL.

(b) A's behaviour, because it is always non-threatening and polite, does not amount to coercion or harassment, and is not prohibited or penalised by the ACL.

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