First Principles of Business Law

Liability in tort for wrongful conduct

4. Conversion

4.1. Excercising wrongful control of another's goods




Read the example below, and then answer the questions.

On Monday, A sells a commercial freezer unit to B, the operator of a gelato outlet. A promises to transport the freezer to B's shop and agrees to accept payment within 30 days of delivery. But ten days later A has not delivered the freezer to B. B finds out that A sold and delivered the same freezer two days earlier to C, who wanted one in a hurry. A now promises to deliver a replacement freezer to B in two days time.

1. B claims the sale of the freezer to C was conversion of his property. Is he right?

2. A argues that even if conversion is established, B is not entitled to damages because B has been offered a replacement freezer. Is A right?

3. If A had not resold the freezer but, having agreed to accept payment within 30 days of delivery, then demanded payment before making delivery, would this amount to conversion of B's property? 

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