First Principles of Business Law

Statutory provisions affecting contracts for goods and services

3. Terms implied by law into contracts for the sale of goods

3.7.2. The quality of goods sold in the course of business




Read the facts and the question and then choose the best answer.

A, who needs to buy a new pair of shoes, goes to a shoe shop owned by B. She looks at the shoes on display and selects a pair that she likes. Neither A nor B say anything about the shoes when A buys them. After wearing the shoes for the first time, A notices that they are so badly stitched in places that it is obvious that the straps will come apart before long.

A concedes that nothing was expressly agreed about the quality of the shoes. But she says that, because B carries on business as a shoe seller, the law implies terms into the contract regarding the quality of the shoes.  Is A correct?

(a) Yes. When a seller goods (such as shoes) in the course of business, the law implies terms into the contract regarding the quality of those goods.

(b) No. When a seller sells goods (such as shoes) in the course of business, the law does not imply terms into the contract regarding the quality of those goods.

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