First Principles of Business Law

Liability in tort for wrongful conduct

8. Private nuisance

8.1. Wrongful interference with another's rights in their property




Read the example below, and then answer the questions.

A, a young lawyer, buys an old warehouse in an industrial area of Melbourne and converts it into a residential apartment. When he moves in, A finds that, during daylight hours, a nearby factory uses such noisy machinery that it is clearly audible in the apartment. And every day, heavy lorries taking supplies to a factory near A's building cause vibrations that crack A's newly plastered walls, although the damage is not structural.

1. Does the noise of the machinery constitute an actionable nuisance?

2. Do the trucks' vibrations constitute an actionable nuisance? If so, what relief might be available?

3. Would it make a difference if A was a tenant leasing the apartment rather than being the owner? 

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