First Principles of Business Law

Property law

3. Property rights in chattels

3.1. Acquiring legal rights to chattels




The previous sections of this module show how property rights can be acquired in 'immoveable' property. However, property rights can also be acquired in other things. The largest category of things other than land is 'chattels', that is, moveable things.  This is a very general category and includes many different particular things.  Depending on the nature of the particular chattel in question, and the nature of the legal right being acquired, there are many different rules that may apply.

It is important to be aware of the factors that determine the application of these special rules.  We will explore the rules by further considering the case study.

Recall the facts of the case study so far.   Now, Albert has purchased land and buildings in an industrial area in which to set up his new factory. He needs to equip the factory with machinery, stock it with materials, begin production and start selling completed kitchen units.












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