First Principles of Business Law

The tort of Negligence

6. Causation

6.1.3. Different types of harm continued...




Read the following facts and then answer the question.

A, who has had an insecure childhood, marries B, a policeman. Shortly after the birth of their first child, B is injured in a collision with a car negligently driven by C. The police tell A of the accident and take her to the hospital where she sees B in great pain and on his way into the operating theatre. A is told that B's condition is 'pretty bad' and for the next three weeks A thinks B is going to die. Because of these events, A develops severe anxiety and depression.

What types of harm have occurred in these circumstances that would be actionable under the tort of Negligence? Click on all three possibilities listed below to see if you are right.

1. Physical harm to a person?

2. Psychiatric harm to a person?

3. Emotional harm to a person?

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