First Principles of Business Law

Sources of law: legislation
5. Legislation in operation

5.2. The case study continued...




Click here to review the facts of the case study so far.

Now read the further facts below.

On 26 August 2013 a game of Australian Rules football takes place at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. In the first quarter of the game, there is the usual pushing and shoving between players. Then, shortly before the break, one player, Eric Rey, tackles another, Joe Ovadia, rather heavily. On being tackled, Joe lashes out with his arm, striking Eric in the face and causing severe bleeding around Eric's eye. Eric has to leave the field. His coach manages to stop the bleeding by using pressure bandages and tape. Because of the injury, Eric misses two weeks of match play.

The sporting authorities initiate disciplinary action against Joe for 'striking another player'. As a result of these proceedings, Joe is suspended for three matches.  Eric then reports the incident to the police. The police charge Joe with a breach of s 4 of the Injuries in Sports Act. Joe wants to defend the charge brought against him. You are asked to consider whether Joe is likely to be convicted in the known circumstances.













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