First Principles of Business Law

Making a contract
6. Capacity to contract

6.3. Contracts involving minors continued...




Read the facts and the question and then choose the best answer.

A says: "I am 16 years old. I have decided to leave school and become a professional singer. I have a good voice, and I love to sing, but I need training. I know B, a very good singing teacher. She has offered to give me weekly singing lessons at a cost $50 an hour. I have a part time job and can afford to pay her at the end of each month, but she insists on a formal contract. I am willing to sign a contract but she says I am too young to be legally bound by an agreement for anything but necessities. Is she right about this?"


(a) No, she is wrong. Even a 16-year-old can be legally bound by a contract for something that benefits them, even if it is not a necessity.

(b) Yes, she is right. Persons under the age of 18 can only bind themselves contractually for necessities.



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