First Principles of Business Law

Making a contract
3. The second essential element of formation: Formal execution or exchange of consideration
3.9. Consideration in 'unilateral' contracts




Read the facts and the question and then choose the best answer.

A advertises in a newspaper, saying: "I promise to pay $1,000 to anyone who finds my stolen car and returns it to me."

B sees the advertisement and finds the car. Returning the car to A, B says: "Here is your car. I want the reward."

Has B provided sufficient consideration to make A's promise enforceable?


(a) No. B did not give anything to A before he found and returned the car, so as to make A's promise of a reward legally enforceable.

(b) Yes. B's act of returning the car to A is sufficient to constitute consideration in these circumstances, even though the car has already been found and returned before A's promise becomes enforceable.



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