First Principles of Business Law

Government and law in Australia
5.6. Local government
5.6.1. The functions of local government




Each of the six state governments and the government of the Northern Territory have established a third level or 'tier' of government known as 'local' government.

The various local government bodies are referred to by different names: city councils, rural councils or shire councils, depending on the area they serve. They are made up of elected councillors. There are a large number of local governments in each state and the Northern Territory.

Local governments typically have responsibility for looking after the social, economic and environmental needs of their area. For example, they provide streets and street signs, footpaths, drains, traffic control, sporting grounds and libraries. Local governments also monitor and control things such as business activities, parking and building standards.

Question:  Is it true that local councils have the power to make and enforce laws within their particular areas?

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