

Yes. In fact, all of the factors listed need to be taken into account. Make sure you read through the whole list carefully.

After taking account of all these factors and calculating a figure to compensate for lost earnings, the courts discount (decrease) that amount by a set 'discount rate'. This allows for a trade-off to be made between the advantage of receiving future earnings in a lump sum, and the disadvantage of inflation reducing the value of that money in the future

In Todorovic v Waller (1981) 150 CLR 402 the High Court decided that a discount of 3% should be applied. This figure is subject to review as economic circumstances change.

Due to concern about the impact of large awards on the solvency of state insurance offices, legislation in most jurisdictions now generally prescribes a discount rate of 5% in personal injury and death claims, except in WA where it is 6%.

See examples of the statutory provisions.