

Bans on goods or services likely to cause injury

If it appears to the Commonwealth, state or territory Minister responsible for the administration of the ACL that particular consumer goods or product related services may cause injury to a person, that Minister is empowered by section 109 and section 114 of the ACL to impose a ban on those goods or services. The Minister does this by publishing a written notice of the ban on the internet.

Click here to see section 109.

Click here to see section 114.

There are two kinds of ban: interim bans and permanent bans.

Interim bans imposed by a Commonwealth, State or Territory Minister last for 60 days from the date on which they begin operating. They can be extended for a further 30 or 60 days in some circumstances.

Permanent bans, which only the Commonwealth Minister can impose, remain imposed from the day on which they began operation until they are revoked at the Minister's discretion.

While an interim or permanent ban is in effect, s 118 and 119 prohibit a person from supplying the banned goods or services.