First Principles of Business Law

Quiz: The sources of law - legislation

Question 8




Suppose that, on 21April 2010, a law is properly enacted by the Victorian legislature and sent to the Queen’s representative for Royal assent.  Assent is given on 21 May 2010.  The new Act contains a ‘commencement date’ of 1 July 2010.  The Act forbids the importation into Australia of a named drug.  Alex imports a quantity of this drug into Australia on 21 June 2010.  In the light of these facts, which one of the following statements is correct

(a)  The Act applies to Alex’s case because it received Royal assent on 21 May, after which date its provisions become binding.

(b)  The Act does not apply to Alex’s case because he imported the drug before the ‘commencement date’ stated in the Act.

(c)   Although Alex imported the drug before the ‘commencement date’, legislation generally operates retrospectively, and so the Act will be applied to Alex’s case.











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