

(d) That's wrong. 

You were asked to select the incorrect statement.

It is incorrect to say that, during the second reading of a Bill, the legal expert who drafted the Bill makes a speech outlining its provisions, explains what it will achieve, and gives the reasons for its introduction.  The speech to this effect is given by the responsible minister, not the person who drafted the bill.

It is correct to say that, to introduce new legislation into the legislature, a member of the House proposes that 'the Bill be read a first time'. Only the title of the Bill is read aloud and no debate is allowed. Then members vote on whether to accept the introduction of the Bill into the House.   This is known as the ‘first reading’ of the Bill.

It is also true to say that, after the second reading speech, members of the House are allowed to debate the provisions in the Bill and ask questions about any of the provisions. The second reading is the main opportunity for debate and questions.

It is correct to say that any member of the House can suggest changes to the provisions in the Bill. Whether such changes are accepted depends on the support of the majority of those present in the House.

Give yourself no marks for this answer.


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