First Principles of Business Law

Case study: Galactica

Question 9.



Sunny is only 18 years old and Tyler must have been aware that she was a young person. Despite that, he gets her agreement to participate in the show without her getting any advice from a parent, guardian or lawyer. In these circumstances, which of the following statements best reflects the legal position?

(a) Being young is an obvious disadvantage, especially when dealing with an older person. For Tyler to enter into a contract with Sunny, without her getting some advice, is unconscionable dealing and the contract would likely be set aside as void.

(b) Being young may be a disadvantage when entering into a contract with an older person without any assistance, but the circumstances do not suggest that Tyler took unconscionable advantage of this situation sufficient to make the contract voidable.

(c) Although she is young, Sunny has reached the age of majority, and the transaction cannot be set aside on grounds on unconscionable dealing on grounds of her youthfulness.






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