First Principles of Business Law

Case study: The glass jars

Evaluating your performance



To evaluate your performance in the case study, you should take account of all of the following things.

  • Did you get too many of the answers wrong?
  • Were you able to reason out the right answer before choosing one of the alternatives, or were you forced to guess?
  • Did you properly understand the feedback provided after each question? Did the feedback confirm what you had thought yourself?
  • Could you recall the relevant cases and apply them properly to the facts?
  • Did you know the relevant legislation well enough to apply it properly to the facts?
  • Were you familiar with all the relevant legal terminology?
  • Could you recall and apply legal tests and definitions as required?
  • Did you have a clear mental image of the structure of the law, sufficient to identify and recall the relevant concepts and rules?
  • From your experience in these exercises, do you think you already know everything that you need to know, or is some more study required?

Remember, you can go back over the FPBL materials until you are confident of your knowledge and understanding.


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