First Principles of Business Law

Quiz: Making a contract 

Question 10




A promises B that B can live in A’s apartment for a year without paying any rental.  In return, B promises to repaint the inside of the apartment at the end of the year.  In the light of these facts, which one of the following answers is correct? 

(a)  The monetary value of B’s promise to repaint the inside of the apartment is too small, in relation to the value of a year’s rent-free accommodation, to be valid as consideration.

(b)  B is only required to repaint the inside of the apartment at the end of the year, after he has already enjoyed a year’s rent-free accommodation.  This means that B has not provided any consideration at the time the agreement with A was made.

(c)   Although B is only required to repaint the inside of the apartment at the end of the year, and although the monetary value of this is small compared to a year’s rent-free accommodation, B’s promise to A is sufficient to constitute valid consideration.














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