Example of a 'definitions' section


Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 (Vic).

s 3. Definitions

In this Act, unless inconsistent with the context or subject-matter -

'amended', in relation to a subordinate instrument, includes altered or varied;

'made', in relation to a subordinate instrument, includes issued or granted;

'repealed', in relation to a subordinate instrument, includes revoked or rescinded;

'Statutory rule' has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994;

'subordinate instrument' means an instrument made or to be made under or pursuant to the provisions of an Act, being an instrument that -

(a) is a statutory rule; or

(b) is not a statutory rule but

(i) contains regulations, rules, by-laws, proclamations, Orders in Council, orders or schemes; or

(ii) is of a legislative character.

Note that when a word is defined to 'mean' something, the definition is exhaustive or complete and the word will not be interpreted any more widely or narrowly.

By contrast, when a word is defined so as to 'include' some given meaning, the definition simply adds the defined meaning to the wider meaning of the word.