2. Procedure in the House of Origin


The clerk of the House lists the bill for its first reading.

 First Reading

The House votes to grant permission to introduce the Bill.  Its long title is read out but there is no debate at this stage.

Second Reading

It is moved that the Bill be read a second time.  The relevant Minister makes a speech explaining the purpose of the Bill.  Debate follows and the motion is then voted on.  If the motion is agreed to, the title of the Bill is read out a second time.


The members of the House form a committee to consider the Bill in detail.  As an alternative, the House might refer the Bill for consideration by a smaller committee of members called a 'select' committee.

  Third reading

It is moved that the Bill be read a third time.  The House votes on the motion.  If the motion is agreed to, the title of the Bill is read out for a third time.