Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 (Vic)


35. Principles of and aids to interpretation

Part IV - Provisions Applicable to Acts and Subordinate Instruments

In the interpretation of a provision of an Act or subordinate instrument-

(a) a construction that would promote the purpose or object underlying the Act or subordinate instrument (whether or not that purpose or object is expressly stated in the Act or subordinate instrument) shall be preferred to a construction that would not promote that purpose or object.

(b) consideration may be given to any matter or document that is relevant including but not limited to-

(i) all indications provided by the Act or subordinate instrument as printed by authority, including punctuation;

(ii) reports of proceedings in any House of the Parliament;

(iii) explanatory memoranda or other documents laid before or otherwise presented to any House of the Parliament; and

(iv) reports of Royal Commissions, Parliamentary Committees, Law Reform Commissioners and Commissions, Boards of Inquiry or other similar bodies.